Accessories for Modern times
Product Features
Key Fobs Easy Entry

8 different colors
Keychain strapEasily arm and disarm the system
Compatible with international standards
Compatible with selected control panels and keypads
Can be placed on a keychain for convenient entry
Product Features
Wireless Control Panel

32 wireless zones, 16 wireless keys (without using a zone slot)
Template programming
17 user codes
Account code error checking
Alternate communications via internet
Onboard siren at 85dB2
Input/Output terminals
200mA Aux Output
500 event buffer
24Hr Battery backup
Wall and case tamper
Independent opening and closing door chime control
Seamless quick enroll and placement testing
Product Features
Sleek Indoor Siren

Siren Output – 85dBSiren sounds for alarms, door chimes, entry/exit delay and troubles
Transmits RF status, low battery and tamper condition
Front and back tamper detection
Nominal battery life – 1 year
Compatible with IMPASSA 433MHzOnboard test button
Product Features
Touchscreen Keypad

Responsive, high-resolution 7” (177.8 mm) full color touchscreen
Intuitive menu-driven interface for the user Configurable home screen
Built-in and easy-to-update digital picture frame using integrated SD card slot
Simplified programing of labels using QWERTY keypad
Clean, low-profile case in either white (HS2TCHP) or black (HS2TCHPBLK) blends into any décor
Quick-view LED status indicators (Ready, Armed, Trouble and AC Power)
Interactive Menu ready
I/O terminal
SD card GUI Local firmware update using SD cardProx support (using MPT prox tags)
Multiple language support
Available in white or black
Approval Listings: FCC/IC, UL/ULC, SIA CP-01, CSFM
Product Features
Two Way Communicator

Equipped with speaker/microphone
New modern look
Specifically designed for 2-way voice verification4-wire connection to module
Surface or single-gang box mount
Compatible with PC5950 and HSM2955 modules
Product Features
Wireless Signal Booster

Boosts Wireless Signals
Supports up to 128 wireless zones and 32 wireless keys – varies per panel
Supports DSC PowerG devices
Compatible with PowerG Repeater (PG9920) for range extension
All wireless detectors are fully supervised for communication integrity
Certified with ULC Wireless Commercial Burglary Listing under ULC-S304-16